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  • cakesbylounz

How do I do it?

How do I do it? Honestly, lots of coffee and sheer determination, throw in lots of love and a few cuss words and here I am. Its amazing how many people have told me I've missed my calling, but I never expected to be a cake decorator. I'm arty and crafty, but working full time as an orchard manager with 5 kids (well, not kids) and my moko, I don't know where I'm finding the time and the energy. Maybe it's loving seeing what I can create and seeing the look on peoples faces or even hearing the "WOW!".

I live in a small predominantly Māori Town and I never knew there was no other cake decorators around. I've always done my own kids bday cakes! So, to be able to do cakes for our robe has been awesome and the support has been phenomenal ! I started in October with 5 orders, November I had 10, December I had 15 and in January I've got 18 and had to close off orders. With only 31days in January, I need some days to properly rest.

It has definitely been easier with my new cake fridge and having the right tools too! Temu has been a great friend (albeit an expensive one!).

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